Hello, Team SAILS!
CVS Pharmacy let us know that vaccine clinics scheduled in January for Lynnwood and Spokane have been cancelled. I understand this is very frustrating news. I reached out to our representative at CVS Pharmacy and Tonnie informed me that they are furiously working to reschedule clinics that were abruptly cancelled this week. CVS pharmacy is scheduling 1000’s of clinics per day. She did make the point to say that the vaccinated people have had great clinics and had excellent comments.
All employees and clients should consult with their primary care doctor to determine if the vaccine is right and safe for them. Some people have experienced adverse reactions resulting in the need for medical attention. Because of this, the clinic has a mandatory 15 minute observation period after receiving the vaccine.
All employees and clients must complete the consent form to be vaccinated. We will need 3 copies of the document on the day of the clinic. Please send the document to your supervisor, supervisor to director for tracking and printing before the clinic. If you are unable to do this beforehand, we will have forms onsite for you to complete.
The clinic will have 3 dates. The first vaccine shot is given at the first clinic date and the second vaccine shot is given 3-4 weeks later at the next clinic date. The third clinic date is a catch all for employees hired after the first clinic. You must plan to be at the first 2 clinic dates to be vaccinated.
Which vaccine will I get? Do I have a choice?
There are two vaccines - Pfizer and Moderna. We are not given a choice of which vaccine is given at the clinic.
I have allergies to some of the ingredients. Should I get the vaccine?
SAILS is strongly encouraging all employees and clients to consult with their primary care doctor to determine if the vaccine is safe for them.
Is SAILS requiring me to get the vaccine? Is it a requirement for my job?
No, we are not requiring employees nor clients to be vaccinated at this time. We believe that you should make the decision to be vaccinated in collaboration with your primary care doctor.
Once I am vaccinated, will SAILS loosen up on the COVID policies listed in the COVID Response plan?
No. The vaccine is helping to protect yourself, and your community. We will continue to follow and enforce our COVID policies relating to social distancing, visitors, handwashing, staying home when sick, etc... These policies change as we receive information from the Department of Health and Governor's mandates.
As of January 11, 2021, all counties remain in Phase 1 of the Safe Start Plan.
How do I know when to arrive for my vaccine?
Working on this question...
When are the dates for Lynnwood, Bellevue and Auburn?
I have called and emailed CVS pharmacy to ensure that all of our offices will have clinic dates assigned to them. Working on this.