Hello, Families and Professionals -
I hope to find you are each doing well. If you have kids at home, kudos to you for navigating zoom calls, homework, technology and all the other areas of your life. We have faced similar challenges in our children's program. Luckily, we have a great team of staff who are doing their best to make it all work.
We are nearing the holiday season and understand how important it is for your loved ones to spend time with you. I have had a number of discussions with King County Public Health. They have helped us to understand that the important piece after a home visit is the 10-day quarantine period when the persons returns - not the number of days they are away. So, we are adapting our home visit protocols -see below.
It is an important reminder that when we provide services to your loved one in your home, we request that everyone wears a mask unless it is medically contraindicated. If you are not wearing a mask, then we ask that you are either not present for the visit or you are located in another room in the home away from our staff.
Updates for this month-
Vocational Services -
It is National Disability Employment Awareness Month! Please help us celebrate by thanking our Vocational Services Staff - they are committed to breaking down barriers to employment in order to help you live your fullest life.
Residential Services - the State has developed a guide for agencies to follow. Here is a link to the document. We have used this to compare and adjust our policies where needed. For context - we are supported living.
Visits - When meeting with your loved ones, please be sure to bring and wear your face masks. You will be screened and need to maintain 6ft social distancing.
In the community, at a local park, restaurant, coffee house, will be accommodated. Just call us up so we can plan to meet you there!
To your home - for an overnight visit or longer, practice strict 6ft physical distancing guidelines. We ask that this type of visit occurs no more than 1 time monthly. Upon return to the home, the person will be quarantined for 10-days per discussions with King County public health to see if the person develops symptoms.
Visits to the home of your loved one remain suspended.
Respectfully - Tena Gizinski