Week of July 10, 2020

Executive Brief

I hope to find you are all doing well and have enjoyed the Fourth of July holiday. Washington's COVID cases are back on the rise. King County, Snohomish County, and Spokane County are all living in Phase 2 of the Governor's Safe Start Plan.

As you know, face masks are required to be worn in public. No business may operate, allow a customer to enter a business, or conduct in-person business with a customer in any public setting unless the customer is wearing a face covering (as required, and with the exceptions outlined, in Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03. Our staff are continue to be required to wear masks while on shift. If you do not have one available to you, please let us know and we will do our best to find you a free or low cost resource to obtain a face mask. Here's one I found today - www.simplyseattle.com

Your loved ones remain healthy. We have had no additional people that we serve test positive for COVID since April. Thank you for helping us do our part in keeping our communities safe.

Updates for this week

Residential Services

  • No updates this week :)


  • When meeting with your loved ones, please be sure to bring and wear your face masks. We would love to reconnect with family and friends in the following ways -

  • Schedule time to meet up with your loved one - please plan to maintain strict 6ft physical distancing. Though being outside is preferred, we can meet you at a local restaurant or coffee house.

  • Visits to your home continue from last month as - for a period of 2 weeks, practice strict 6ft physical distancing guidelines and before returning to SAILS supports - be tested for COVID-19. We appreciate your compliance with this request. Free Testing Sites King County, Snohomish County, Spokane County

  • Visits to the home of your loved one remain suspended.

Vocational and Home Care Services

  • We are ready - Our staff are prepared - Our protocols in place to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

  • If you have not been receiving services during the Stay Home; Stay Healthy time frame - we have sent you an email asking to restart services with you.


Tena Gizinski
Executive Director

425.605.7144 (call or text) EDWA@sailsgroup.com