Hello SAILS Teams -
As we are approaching the holiday season and people are planning vacations, I wanted to be clear about our COVID policies regarding international travel.
Per CDC guidelines, most countries are categorized as COVID risk HIGH. The more cases at your destination, the more likely you are to get infected during travel and spread the virus to others when you return.
Upon returning home, you and your travel companions (including children) may spread COVID-19 to other people including your family, friends, and community for 14 days after you were exposed to the virus. Because of this, SAILS expects you to build in a quarantine period after your travels. You can return to work 14 days after you arrive home, or 10 days after your arrival home and by submitting to HR your negative COVID test results.
For more information and ways to stay safe while traveling, please review the CDC Website - Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Tena Gizinski